domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011

Project "RX-1"

After a lot of time thinking if I should actually pull this up or not, the time is now, the time to pull up old projects and make them "new" again, this time Ill try to organize it the better I can, and actually "show" something of value to give the "future community" something to look foward.

sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011

Tales of the Past - "Eriul"

"Eriul" or "Er-iul" the way the name was said varied from person to person, Eriul was 23\24 old guy, he worked like any ordinary person at is age at the school I used to attent, normal guy over all, altough a lot of people called him a "geek", a lot of people know whats the meaning of "geek" so I'm not going to get in detail about it, I already made a semi description of Eriul, but going to get a bit more into detail, Eriul was kind, a person that had a big heart to help others, he helped me A LOT of my school days, and he teached me A LOT about computers, after being invited to UO by him my respect for him raised even more, having an epic HUGE guild to lead wasn't an easy task, altough most of the players were mature, dealing with a large group of players each one sharing an opinion is hard, very hard.

Eriul, was even on UO, what I can call a "Arcane Knight" he was what I wanted to be since the start, controling the ways of magic at the same time you can control the ways of melee at the top.

Ystrion created this image and named it "Battle Mage of Risengarad"

But even so, this is the image that can describe the best Eriul.

Thank you....

After a bit of time "on an emo mood" with the help of my friends(Thank you Vlad and Genis) and with the support of Ru, I got over the fear that was haunting me...back to posting like always, expect more updates on the blog soon!

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

Lost in "Fear"

Stupid.....isn't it? at the start of the high point of my life...after a lot of time of frustrations...a lot of time suffering for the past...

Yes...fear...everyone feels fear at a point in their lives...I felt it for real, real fear one that sofucates...makes your guts twist out of nothing...for the second time of my life now...something that I simply cannot control...something...that...I can't explain...
Losing one thing means losing everything Ill I face everyone if I I face them, the ones I love and respect most.....

"Lost in fear...without knowing were to turn to..."

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

Tales of the past - "Rise of Brotherhood and betrayal of the Emissary"

The Brotherhood risen up to be one of the most popular guilds on the shard we used to play(sorry but it was long time ago, I can't recall the name of the shard\"server")
Eriul was a person that I respected since I meet him, kind, helpfull and calm 24\7, he lead Brotherhood is Iron first, he once told me;
"Respect to deserve the respect of others Siul, even if its an Online game, theres a person on the other side of the screen."
The guild it self even without me being active like most of the other members continue on, after getting a high stand on our shard...problems started, interior rummors that one of our members, was planning to take on the guild...

For the one thats don't know UO haves a epic guild system that even if your the guild leader you can be taken down if your not doing your job properly, or if the members so that way desire to promote another to Guild Leader possition.

東方 Touhou Metal/Vocal 282

Tittle says it all, once again Chaos got us a master piece the vocals about a bit "off" on the highs but heck, its "fan made" we can't expect perfection to the max can we?



Ru in the short term...I could actually extend more about it...but I wont, since I rarely share about my Personal life on games\forums.

Doing an exeption, since this girl saved a lot of ways...
After a year and an half of suffering for various reasons....almost quitted everything...and I mean everything, Ru was the beacon of light that saved me and made me think in a diferent way...
Thank you Marcia...

sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

Tales of the Past - The beggining of "The Brotherhood"

All adventures have a start don't you think? a lot of players go these days asking me if the name of the guild haves something to do with the game "Assassins creed:Brotherhood"
created and published by Ubisoft.
Just to note, no, our name doesn't come from that, to discover the meaning of the roots of the name, we have go back in time, were the first leader of "The Brotherhood" had a dream...
I was Siul on this time, 1998, games, internet was already known to me, but I didn't had much of a clue about what was a mmorpg(massive multiplayer online roleplaying game)...
I used to chit chat using a program called mIRC, PTnet was the servers I used to connect on that time, I was normally on the less populated channels, with some friends and all.
One day, one of those friends came to me asking if I was busy or not, is name was Eriul.

Eriul was one of my best friends, each person haves their own way of speaking, acting towards others, each person haves their own way of behaving too, he was really highly respected for what he was
he had something more, he was the "leader type" person, the type of person I wanted to become...

Is idea was to put me playing a game, an mmorpg, the game in question was UO, or Ultima Online.
I started to play during the opening of the game 1998, everything was new to me, and I used to mess up a lot in a lot of things...
(I could go on details about UO, but I challenge the bold new players of the new MMORPG era that havent tried yet to give it a go, its still an epic game)
Eriul wanted to make something, at that time I didn't have any idea about what a guild was, but some time after that with Eriul giving me lessons about how the game should be played, I started to get it.
The Guild system on UO was huge, to say the truth really complete(wish some games had that...) so, the guild "The Brotherhood" was formed.

(Side done, I didn't reach the point of K.R(Kingdom Reborn) heh sadly...)

Touhou Metal/Rock "251" & "280"

Already posted once about C.A channel on youtube once, not going to make any more remarks about how epic this guy can be to be the one bringing us high quality Touhou Metal Rock remixes with is remarcable comments about the musics he post's


Mabinogi\Final Fantasy XIV

Well here I am to speak about Mabinogi again, nothing changed much expect the revival of our guild Brotherhood, slowly see'ng if we can make it pull off the ground again.

On the other side, the servers continue to have problems, players dupping gold, some others abusing of heavy modding\hacks, usual stupidity of  this community.

Sadly Nexon does little to fight this kind of things, I wonder, will be this game continue like this till its demise?

Final Fantasy suffered a huge update, 1.19 amazed me, I have to admit I had little hope for this patch, but its rlly surprizing how made the game much better, combat wise even if they speed'd up a bit of it, Its still FF style(and I like it), visual wise the game is still epic, crafthing wise I didn't check it yet, but some say's it improved, well only time will tell =d

terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

The "New" Selzyr

Kinda took me a bit of time to think about if I should post it or not, since this is my blog, I though, "Why not?" most of the times, but looking back I know the reasons of the why I didn't do it, now that those hard times are almost totally gone, moving foward and without fearing anything.

This is me, Selzyr, or Luis Carlos Rodrigues Machado for the ones that want to know, Portuguese.
Late intro to much? heh perhaps.


"Hello! We’re here to introduce you to the Brotherhood guild.

Brotherhood is a pacifist guild that focuses its attention on helping the Mabinogi community. First of all, we’re not here to recruit people. Brotherhood started with a small group of close friends that most of all enjoyed spending their “fantasy life” together, having fun and exploring the vast world that Mabinogi can be. So the only way to become a member is by being invited by one of the current members, or be a active player that actually helps the community, note that we will (if we actually take a note of that player) talk directly with you.

We still have common sence rules, not only to make our guild living of the day by day, but Dungeon running and "Raids" rules, those are normally only told to the members or possible members of the guild(people app'ng mostly)

We got some rules to join us too, more details about it are given to the players that want to join us, if ofc they show their interest in it.
We changed a bit the past year were around but we still maintain the same spirit as before, "respect to be respected help the ones in need."

As mentioned before, we’re not here to request members. We’re here simply to let you know that we, a community helping guild, exist. Mabinogi can be an awesome game when played with the right people. However, if you’re new, or you aren’t quite the social type, it may be hard and boring sometimes. That’s what we’re here for.

So, this is your friendly neighbor Brotherhood. We do all what we do for the fun of it. We will never charge you anything for our “helping services”. Just poke us.

Cya in game, and have fun."

Well time as come that we step in again and make it "big" this time, time as come so that Mabinogi finally gets a decent team helping the community, pokes any of us in-game, if it haves the tag and can actually help, it will extend is hand to do so.

domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011


Ho boy, Ho boy! remember those times when you were with your brother(if you have one) and you guys were ADDICTED to legos? building stuff was epic! making everything the most detailed you could.
But after a time of that, you would get bored, because...moving by hand the stuff was a pain...see'ng no "life" in your little world that you build was...strange...

24 years old, I was thinking that I saw everything, then Notch came on the webs, and created the world, the world of us to build!
Yeap, thats Minecraft or putting it short, MC!

"Epic" Guild, is setting up a private server for MC, eventually all the players of BH that like to play MC will drive in to it, lemme ear your thoughs about MC and if you know any good mod\plugin that can be used on our little server share it with us.

"you should have acted...they are already here...
The Elder Scrolls told of their return...Their defeat was merely a delay..."

11/11/11, the question on this one...can you wait for it?

1.19 is comming to Final Fantasy XIV, ok its a bit about time for me to speak about this game, already spoke about it before but never gave my real two cents about it.

Revamp about how the Battle Frame works(Finally)
Revamp how the non Combat "Path's" work(Finally!)
Add' of chocobos\Airships to the game.
Ifrit Battle
I'm just summing up a bit the more important ones, I could go on detail, but the list is so huge that rlly to much to post, the game improved a lot since the launch and I can safely say that now Square Enix is doing a good job with this revamp, they had to compensate the players for their mistakes, so lets just hope they keep on the good work and the updates comming like this.

Said it already, share your ideas\thoughs with me if you want to directly by commenting or, send a e-mail to

Know any good game you want to share with more people? do so poke me and I Shall give it a try and give my two cents about it.

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

World of MMORPGS and retards.

/rant mode on - Ok before going into the "Story Telling", I got this "massive" post to do, were should I start, aww right, ranting over gaming companies\their games, and more then anything else, the player base of those so called "MMORPG'S" aka "Online Games".

Hmm ok Starting off by the games I'm currently playing, one that a lot of people know off, World of Warcraft, Blizzard keeps, again, fucking up the lore in a lot of points and making the game easy for the "newgen playerbase" of the game, putting it in short, brats.
Don't take me rong(this is for old school players of WoW like myself) but the time were we run  Naxx pre BC? its long over mates, Blizz WONT bring back the old good times were being good was more then having some epic's, you actually had to know how to play, atm they want to make it "quick and easy" to sell.
Another thing I gotta point it out about World of Warcraft, now not poking into blizzard again(they just took 3\4 years to deliver something they COULD actually give the players since vanilla, you know...stuff that players asked since then..."Transmogrification", is a good example,  simply putted, changes the 3D models of your armor) is the community, it was LONG time ago that we had a good community on that game, again, for the old school players that still play, don't take me rong, there probably a few cool guys still around, but 90% of the community is made of WoWtards that if you point a flaw in the game, they don't cut your neck because they can't, else they would do it.

Moving on to Final Fantasy XIV, little people talk about this one nowdays, with 1.19 comming out soon, adding AirShips and Chocobos everyone gets worked up, soon they will finally change the system how the "classes" work to a (we HOPE) better one, re-working the whole battle system with it too.

For the ones that don't know, FFXIV(Final Fantasy XIV in shorts) failed even before the release, the game was so HEAVY bugged that the community simply didn't played to test it out(some people coudn't even log on, amazing isn't it?) time passed and the game launch'd in a miserable state.
 After a bit of time, Square Enix realised the fail, since their player base wasn't good already on the release, but was going down even more with time kicking in, they changed the game into a "free to play" model, you just need to buy a key, and you play for free, in order to keep the players on it, worked, but they had to actually MOVE THEIR ASSES to fix the game, else they would lose everything.
Funny thing, Square Enix is aparently a company that learns with mistakes, and 1.19 almost out proves that, the game since the release changed A LOT, guildleves balance, class\graphic\quests\etc etc, everything got a re-work\re-balance at some point, make the game playable until the new "big changes" hit on it.
 Community wise, FFXIV doesn't have trolls\idiots\fanboys running around, thats a plus, but, on the other way, the community is very closed in on themselfs, if your not in a Linkshell(Aka Guild) you rarely obtain help, you rarely group with someone, you rarely see people speaking if your not in one of the main towns were people shouts all the time.

Moving on to the last target before the "story telling" starts, this one, a lot of people may know that I'm playing since I refered it some times, and a lot of people reads my blog nowdays since I got it linked to my forum account on the Nexon EU forums(Mabinogi)
Going strait into it this time, Nexon EU continues to(at least seems that way) not give a fuck about whats going on the servers.
 Some of the questions of the player base are quite simple;

This is more due the heavy lag spikes A LOT of players have nowdays, I could say 90% of the current player base of the game haves them.

The heavy hacks\mods that were striking on NA\TW aparently, some of them work on our version, some idiots(don't take me rong fair macha players) from the macha server, in a dispute of idiocity started a war with Morrighan, heck with the one that aparently started this knowing how to use hacks\gold duppes and whatnot, he invaded Morrighan and started to buy "rare items" for x15 of their normal price, with dupped gold, some players not knowing this sold the so called "rare items" to him, regreting soon after, because last notice I got about it, the idiot used the dupped gold to buy, and then NPC the items in order to NO ONE obtain them again(at least those he had buyed).
This made the economy that wasn't good already before, to go worse.

"Supidity moved from the Forums&Facebook to the game"

Nowdays everyone uses forums, everyone haves F.B(FaceBook) even gamming companies have their own little "game profile" for each o their games, Nexon isn't diferent, altough they stopped to aparently manage their F.B, and then moved that inactivity to the Forums\Servers(mabinogi ones, at least is the game I have my eye on atm, not much into C.A(Combat Arms)&M.S(Maple Story).
How come stupidity moved from one place to another, these days you don't know when your opening the Mabinogi forums and you should I put it, aw! "+18 pictures", simply putted, an idiot found a way to hack into the forums accounts and with that, if someone goes agaisn't what he likes, or puts him on the wall, he logs into the account of that player on the forums and posts that kind of stuff.(probably same idiot not long ago created fake F.B profiles and posted the same kind of images on Mabinogi F.B page\profile.)

*1-an picture were that could be a good example of what I'm saying, were the white guy is Nexon, the spider is Mabi, and the blue one is us, the community.

Some players even with this continue to play the game, not as before but they try it at least.
Player base droped from 100% to 40% active players, 40% is still a lot, but then again, not enough on my point of view for such a game.
Mabinogi if it was properly managed, would be an epic game.
With the lack of activity from Nexon EU, I now fear that their trying to really kill the game.*1

 "I Hate you!"
"what dose devicat do?"
"Do you have a hard time saying nice things, or do you just refuse to?"

Some of the lines will for sure ring the bell and remember you who said them, then again, if your not a Nexon EU Mabinogi forum follower, you will probably find this wierd(advice you to check the forums from time to time.)
 Random-ness, lack of moderation, annoying kids, kids that should know how to writte in english better then me and they can't even writte "does" properly("for godsake he's from the UK!" - anonymous) this is the current state of the forums nowdays, with no light at the end of the tunnel I wonder were this community is going, the more a person says that they are doing it rong, the more rong they go.
I quitted for a long time already to put sence on that community, but I had hopes that someday, they actually open their eyes and see that its a game, if you don't respect others around you, don't expect respect...

Not sure were "Tabinogi" is going headed, but I fear that if this keeps up, Nexon EU may really close the game, scammers roaming around on the game, duppers\hackers fk'ng up the whole server\forums, this makes me wonder too if I should rlly keep playing this...

For the ones that got refered and didn't like it, directly and indirectly, just got one thing to say

/rant mode off-

sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

Tera Online "The true Action MMO"

Not much to say about it expect in eager to test this game out, as from what I've seen, deserves thumbs up.

lets see whats comes from Frogster.

Mabinogi - Art

For some players Mabinogi can be a game that lets their imagination fly high, for others its just another game.

I'm one of the players that love the game to the point of letting my imagination fly high as it can, and I love the game that much to actually do crazy stuff for it.

Some players are like me, and express them selfs the way they can, Like I did on World of Warcraft and other games, I drawed and loved the game to the point of doing some epic stuff, Diablo II was another one like it, if I look back some games were epic to the point of changing us not only in-game, but real life wise.

Going to feature a player on Mabinogi here, Peiper, a not so known player but a player that haves a strong will on the game, Peiper its his\her name

she did this drawing of a known\respected player named Yuzuru

check the vid out on youtube;

Peiper channel on youtube;

seems that Peiper is a 2D artist, and a good one, leave your cheers and comments on his\her channel, I'm sure he\she will be glad to have more people following his\her work.

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

Guitar & starting to learn how to play on it...

came to a point on my life that I finally decide to take up on old projects and start them again, one of them is more a hooby I wanted, a good friend came with me to the Music Store on lisbon and I finally got the Guitar, Electric-Acoustic Guitar, guess the color, thats right, Pure Black. Now the challenge will be learning how to play, got any advices *points down* leave a comment with it. P.S- Will post pics of the guitar later on.

Mabinogi G13 Europe

Well had to come back to it, after a bit of time without logging on Mabinogi(like one week and half) some people poped up on my skype with the "big news" of Mabinogi being updated in like one week and half, the most interesting thing on all of this, is that I knew of it already. 
Not going into details how I got that info before them.

Mabinogi G13 aka Hamlet: Shakespeare, in a way I didn't had much confidence on the whole story at this point, since seemed not fitting the old story of mabi(G1 to G3 and G9 to G12), lets say that on my point of view, it didn't fit. After getting more info of G13 due knowing people playing on KR\JP and NA, I tried it a little, and the improvements on the game made it significaly more epic then it was, not only because of the new skills, but the rebalancing of some old stuff and the add of some new neat systems into the game. Big question for some readers is, "are you returning to Mabinogi then?", Ill say not yet, not until I see the actual update, been "off", returning to "online mode" just to proff\updrade armors atm. you can find me afk on Tir\Dunbarton and possibly Emain Macha if the first two ones have to much pvp morons around.(noise is annoying sometimes)

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Touhou Rock&Metal

Touhou, Touhou was created by Zun Long ago, this channel, ChaosAngel Channel on youtube was created in honor of this person that create not only epic games, but epic music with them.

"While this is not an official description I was used to write on most of the videos, I'll take this opportunity to write you and let you know the reconstruction process of the channel is finally over. There are still some holes I have to fill up from 200 to 250, but they are going to be filled up with new music and new images, just as it was with the other batch. I have not updated the list of songs because I'm waiting to fill this holes, but don't you worry since I'll try to fill those holes as fast as I possibly can. I know this is not much of a word, since It took more than 1 freaking year to re-upload most of the stuff I had online. But the reasons I did not wanted any help is that I wanted to fix the mistake by my own hands and fix some other mistakes (change of images and music). I appreaciatte everyone's pattience, help and support trough here. What this whole channel has proven is something worth to analyze. The strong community that built once upon a time, and then was destroyed, now rises again...louder than ever." 

Words of Chaos(A) Chaos if you ever read this, thank you for ALL your uploads.(even if the youtube team is bitching around the place)

segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011

Webpage taken down, but weren't "dead"

Some people now that Brotherhood page is down keeps asking me if the guild is dead, or if the guild will be disbanded, keep in mind, were not down nor the guild will be disbanded, the guild on its own is active, we have less members now, altho were not quitting Mabinogi at all, all of the current members from the leadership to the normal members is doing their things, we can lend a hand if someone needs, just remeber to note any of the members that you want to help you, if he\she haves time and can actually lend a hand you wont get a "no" as an answer for sure, since Brotherhood is there to help.

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

Brotherhood Portal - re-work

Now, good news comming, with new "interwebs" I finally can start working on my projects again, since I was a bit(too much) inactive on the webs, I didn't work much on the webpage, currently learning how to work with joomla, lets hope I can do something good and diferent for the BH portal.

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011


After a time playing Hellgate, even with my return to mabi comming near, the odd felling is still there...after losing her...can't think right, the memories keep appearing at every move I do...
"what if..." or "If I didn't..." is something that I keep thinking nowdays...
I miss her....

quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

Gates to hell open?

Well not yet, but almost, wille I'm seeing how T3fun is going to manage their "new game" by now, got my two cents to post about it here.
with the ticket system announced, a lot of rage came down on the forums, players speaking their minds about it be in the good way or the bad way, not stating that I agree with one side or another but the fact that T3fun announced the ticket system a bit on top of the Open Beta release, made some people go uneasy over this game(again)
Yet, doesn't change the fact that they can't make it unplayable, or else, all their work is for nothing.
Before giving out any real OP about this matter of the tickets and ofc about if I'm going to be fully active with the guild on it, or not, depends much how T3fun is going to price this "tickets"
anyways countdown to the servers to open.

"Remember the dead, fight for the living."

blog post?

domingo, 26 de junho de 2011

The gates of Hell open at 30\06

Now, some people know that I'm a gamer(some don't) for a bit of time I've been playing less and less mabinogi(due the fact that the community sucks and Nexon EU aint getting anything new to the game, and I got everything I need atm till G13+), been playing Final Fantasy XIV anddd the time to re-enter the gates of hell, hm? you don't know what I'm talking about? Hellgate London ofc, released on October 31 2007 It was developed by a team headed by former Blizzard Entertainment employees, some of whom had overseen the creation of the Diablo Series.
2008 the year that Flagship Studios finally announced bankruptcy, until 31 January 2009 Nanco Bandai Games provided free ongoing US/EU server support till the fall of Flagship Studios.
Hanbitsoft, took the rights of Hellgate London and re-created the game with the name of Hellgate London: Resurrection.(Original isn't it? lulz)
As of June 2011, Hanbitsoft's redesigned game is currently live in Korea, and the NA version is about the release.(open beta on 30\06\2011)
wanna know more about it? wiki here;
wanna head strait to the webpage? here;
Are you ready to face Hell?

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011


The chance, finally got the chance of getting out of this forsaken place...with my brother moving soon to London he might find work for me there, and I can finally get out of portugal, I'm sick of this country...going to leave good friends here, but I have to move foward.

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011


Odd, isn't it? second time felling "lost" in my life, looking back, all the mistakes I did, all the people I made suffer with my mistakes, I do deserve the stuff that keeps happening to me these last three years...
Losing the will to fight...not sure were to turn too now...

sábado, 21 de maio de 2011


Now, this is something that a lot of people do out on the internet, so I decided to post about it, what is trust? (Synonyms: trust, faith, confidence, reliance, dependence) a lot of people will ask "why the fuck your speaking about this?" happends that on the internet I find a lot of people saying "you can trust me." or "I'm your friend, you can trust me." on real life this happends too, but can we really trust another that we never saw on real life, even the ones that we saw real life, can we trust them? with the current financial problems world wide and with the no solutions from the goverments a lot of people is going nuts, I wasn't a person of saying never before till a few days ago, but heck a person changes, and I change, I say never trust 100% or else you'll be pretty much disapointed on the end.
Why I am saying this? I had a "semi bad experience" today at work, that envolved the word "trust" I trusted a person, and I got backstabed, again, I know that it was my fault to begging with, I trusted to much a person, that teached me the lesson.

sexta-feira, 13 de maio de 2011


"the world of jealous people", "the world of retards...", "the world of dreams...", we could continue down the road to call it all we want, Mabinogi is a mmorpg, fantasy life mmorpg, much like other mmorpg players have choices on it, I could bring my self down to explain details of the game, but theres no point on it, played this game for "a lot of time" spent a lot of money on this, most people ask "what for?", could go on details to explain the "why" but doesn't matter too.

Mabinogi was the world of dreams to me, mabinogi became the world of both dreams and nightmares to me, most of the ones that didn't play it, now reading this now wonder what kind of game is this one to make a person make a entry on is blog about it, check your self, if your living on EU, google for Mabinogi EU, if your living on NA, just go for Mabinogi NA.
How far I reached on Mabinogi? I can say I reached a strange "status" on it, not bragging or anything, I became on this game what I wanted...somehow, both hated and loved, was able to be noticed and unnoticed when I wanted.

And now, were am I on all of this?

...the company that manages the game, practically stopped with the updates to the game, pretty much stopping the events at the same time causing the community that wasn't good, to get worse.
Semi active, is the status that I give to my self on this game, drop on "Tir" sometimes, I may be around fishing, semi "afk", I might answer if I get "poked".

Well the Blog is alive again.

Took me some time to find out what to do with this, and heck, since I had nothing of importance to do, took a bit of time to finally re-organized my personal blog.
This place will be from now on were I'm going to speak up my mind, be happy\sad\mad\etc.