sábado, 21 de maio de 2011


Now, this is something that a lot of people do out on the internet, so I decided to post about it, what is trust? (Synonyms: trust, faith, confidence, reliance, dependence) a lot of people will ask "why the fuck your speaking about this?" happends that on the internet I find a lot of people saying "you can trust me." or "I'm your friend, you can trust me." on real life this happends too, but can we really trust another that we never saw on real life, even the ones that we saw real life, can we trust them? with the current financial problems world wide and with the no solutions from the goverments a lot of people is going nuts, I wasn't a person of saying never before till a few days ago, but heck a person changes, and I change, I say never trust 100% or else you'll be pretty much disapointed on the end.
Why I am saying this? I had a "semi bad experience" today at work, that envolved the word "trust" I trusted a person, and I got backstabed, again, I know that it was my fault to begging with, I trusted to much a person, that teached me the lesson.

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