Mabinogi was the world of dreams to me, mabinogi became the world of both dreams and nightmares to me, most of the ones that didn't play it, now reading this now wonder what kind of game is this one to make a person make a entry on is blog about it, check your self, if your living on EU, google for Mabinogi EU, if your living on NA, just go for Mabinogi NA.
How far I reached on Mabinogi? I can say I reached a strange "status" on it, not bragging or anything, I became on this game what I wanted...somehow, both hated and loved, was able to be noticed and unnoticed when I wanted.
And now, were am I on all of this?

...the company that manages the game, practically stopped with the updates to the game, pretty much stopping the events at the same time causing the community that wasn't good, to get worse.
Semi active, is the status that I give to my self on this game, drop on "Tir" sometimes, I may be around fishing, semi "afk", I might answer if I get "poked".
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