sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

Tales of the Past - The beggining of "The Brotherhood"

All adventures have a start don't you think? a lot of players go these days asking me if the name of the guild haves something to do with the game "Assassins creed:Brotherhood"
created and published by Ubisoft.
Just to note, no, our name doesn't come from that, to discover the meaning of the roots of the name, we have go back in time, were the first leader of "The Brotherhood" had a dream...
I was Siul on this time, 1998, games, internet was already known to me, but I didn't had much of a clue about what was a mmorpg(massive multiplayer online roleplaying game)...
I used to chit chat using a program called mIRC, PTnet was the servers I used to connect on that time, I was normally on the less populated channels, with some friends and all.
One day, one of those friends came to me asking if I was busy or not, is name was Eriul.

Eriul was one of my best friends, each person haves their own way of speaking, acting towards others, each person haves their own way of behaving too, he was really highly respected for what he was
he had something more, he was the "leader type" person, the type of person I wanted to become...

Is idea was to put me playing a game, an mmorpg, the game in question was UO, or Ultima Online.
I started to play during the opening of the game 1998, everything was new to me, and I used to mess up a lot in a lot of things...
(I could go on details about UO, but I challenge the bold new players of the new MMORPG era that havent tried yet to give it a go, its still an epic game)
Eriul wanted to make something, at that time I didn't have any idea about what a guild was, but some time after that with Eriul giving me lessons about how the game should be played, I started to get it.
The Guild system on UO was huge, to say the truth really complete(wish some games had that...) so, the guild "The Brotherhood" was formed.

(Side done, I didn't reach the point of K.R(Kingdom Reborn) heh sadly...)

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