domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012


Yea, a lot of people will think that I'm moving again(home) not yet hehehe, but, that probably will be before the end of this year(if everything goes well enough) anyways, back to the point, I decided to move my blog to another blog hoster, Blogspot or Blogger was nice but heck it, its time to move on, top of that, I need a blog that fits some needs and I found one that is very interesting in a lot of aspects, so I'm moving!

Now now, don't go "Omg!!" Ill leave this blog open and untouched, and for the ones that were like "Finaly! we got rid of him!" not yet, nor I plan to "be gone!" of the internet so, live with it.

ho right, the link of the new blog is Selzyr New Blog

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012


"I find no fault with you when it comes to standing agaisn't me with Courage.
However, very few have the courage to sheathe their sword once it's out, Fear is not evil...
It tells you what your weakness is.
And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as Kinder."

mhm this been on my mind for a time....I can say that I didn't follow that for a time, and I've acted out of what I was for a lot of time, or, out of who I real was....time heals everything and teachs us when we make mistakes, I did my fair of mistakes this year...

I finally got a "new job" and if everything goes well, in one month or two, Ill be back to my normal life, not only but to my routine, with some changes ofc, but Ill be back to the "Online World", I wont be 24\7 online, not like before, but Ill pop up more and then and ofc, Ill update this Blog with more news about my life & projects that I got pending.

Hope someone still reads this Blog heh ^_ ^'

sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2012

.Hack//--- Part 3

Ok, time to continue with this...this wont be the last post about the subject since I still got a lot to tell about .Hack//, ALL the info posted on the the last two posts, was taken from the Wiki until now, the follow up posts like this part 3 will be now with word of mine, with some research, anyhow...were was I....ha!

.Hack//G.U Trilogy, this is a movie created by CC2, telling from another perspective, keep in mind that this movie doesn't follow to the line the Games, but still tells the main part of the Story.

after a month or two, CC2 released one show anime movie called .Hack//Returner, a spin on the story telling a bit more about what happened on "The World R:2" after the events of .Hack//G.U(Games), Ovan returns on this anime movie.

CC2 released another game, said that was the last of the series on .Hack//, altough this isn't true, a lot of people lost hope on the .Hack// project, with this, losing hope that CC2 would release a actual version of "The World"(online).
This Game is called .Hack//Link, tells the story of a young man that wanted to join "The World R:X", the name of the young man is Tokio, Tokio Kuryuu;

"An avid gamer who never thinks about his future and cares only about games. Because he beats most games easily, he becomes excited about the release of "The World: R:X" and is disappointed to find he is unable to obtain it. When Saika Amagi suddenly invites him to the rooftop one day, she uses a mysterious black R:X disc (dated 2019.12.24, recorded by JxxxxAmagi) and transports Tokio into "The World". Tokio finds that he is both physically and mentally present in the game and is soon caught in a fight between Kite and Fluegel. For reasons unknown, Fluegel's weapon does not work on him."
                                                                                                                          ^info taken from the wiki^

Sadly, CC2 only released this game on Japan, and, for PsP, even so, most of the fans of the game "tried" to play or played the game in japanese, some understanding the game, since they could understand Japanese, and those same players spread the story, posted on the wiki, updated the "Dot Hack wikia" with info about .Hack//Link, spreading how the game worked what was the route that .Hack// taken with this PsP game, still some were disapointed, some were trilling to play it, some others, like me, just wanted to know what CC2 created for the .Hack//Project.

.Hack//project, like I refered was told that was going to stop with .Hack//Link, this disapointed a lot of fans too, that were in eager that CC2 released a true MMORPG with the name "The World", CC2 tough until this date didn't announce ANYTHING about a MMORPG being planned\created, still they planned to release a movie on 1 january 2012, not too sure what gone wrong, but this Movie(I think) didn't release on january 1 of 2012, altough the game released at 21 of January of 2012 CC2 announced a game to be released with this movie(note the name of the movie is simply .Hack//The Movie, its releated to "The World" and with a newer version of "The World", can't tell you the certain version of it, didn't check it much yet on the webs nor on dot hackers website, but Ill most likely do it later on) this game instead of a RPG or a MMORPG like most of the fans wanted is a figthing game, the first of this genre on the .Hack//project.(note that I call it .Hack//project, but I'm fully aware that from G.U+ is called .Hack//Conglomerate)

.Hack//...."The World"...the dream of an online game were your free to do ANYTHING, is the dream of most gamers that play online games(like my self) and NO ONE until now developed a game like that, not even UO(Ultima Online) that was very complete, reach the status of "fully complete online game", most developers say "Online games are NEVER complete, theres always something new to create or to add into it." this is true in a way, but what I tell of a FULLY complete online game, is a game like "The World" in a way UO and something like Mortal Online all in a mix, keep in mind that ALL of them are "diferent" and most of them wanted to achive\show what or how a Online Game could be complete, a lot of people ask if developers are blind to not create such a game, other people say that making a game like that is simply impossible, others say that developers simply don't want to create this game since would, not only take a lot of time, but be hard to manage, since players would be free to make ANYTHING in it, without bondaries, leaving some players that dislike some types\or how should I put it, ways of playing games, example, lets about open PvP?(open PvP with full loot, like on Mortal Online) a lot of players hate this kind of systems since is hard to level, is hard to move on the world(if the game is open world, since your always being ganked by the "high level" players), balancing all of this would be painfull don't you think? the developers of games think the same way, could be done, but with a lot of trouble.

and...were driving off the topic of .Hack// now...heh, for a reason ofc, now I told my view about the .Hack//Project( a bit of it) and my view about "the perfect online game"..."The World"....could CC2 make an online game with this name that could change for real how Online Games are nowdays? or its impossible to create a game as vast as "The World" and with the same deept?...

Ill leave this questions up for you guys to answer, Ill do more posts following up this one with the e-mails I get, e-mail so you guys can send me your own views about online games, how you guys picture "the perfect online game" : (my new e-mail guys)

terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2012

.hack//--- part 2

Making a follow up for the last post...were was I....ha! yes...

.Hack//Roots & G.U

The World R:2
Due to a fire in CC corporation headquarters a year following .hack//Legend of the Twilight(anime show), CC corporation had made a new version of the game called The World Revision:2 or simply as "The World R:2". The World R:2 offers new locations and old ones that are hidden within the game, these locations are commonly known as the lost grounds. There are many character classes, new and old. PKing (player killing) has become very popular in The World R:2 and due to this uprising, a guild called "Moon Tree" has been created against PKing. The leader of Moon Tree, Zelkova, is an expert hacker and created a place for hackers called "Net Slums".

is a 26-episode anime series, animated by studio Bee Train, that sets as a prologue for the .hack//G.U. video games. It is the first .hack TV series broadcast in HDTV (720p). It is set seven years after the events of the first two anime series and games. .hack//Roots revolves around an MMORPG game called The World R:2, also known as The World Revision:2 and serves a sequel to the original version of "The World".

.hack//Roots follows the story of Haseo, a black 'Adept Rogue' (a class that can use multiple weapons) and member of the Twilight Brigade guild. In the year 2015, the CC Corp. building burned down, and with it, most of its data for The World. By splicing data from what would have potentially been another game, CC Corp. created The World R:2 and released it in 2016. The main revisions of this release were that the game allowed for guild and PvP (player vs player) play.

Haseo logs into The World R:2 for the first time and falls victim to the PKers (player killers) that reside within the game. He is saved by Ovan, who prompts him to join the Twilight Brigade alongside Sakisaka, Tabby and Shino which are in search of finding the Key of the Twilight. However, a popular guild named TaN opposes the Twilight Brigade in order to obtain Ovan's unique character data. The Twilight Brigade discovered special items called Virus Cores and believed that they are the key to finding The Key of the Twilight and went into search for all of them. Once they had found all 6 of them, they headed out to use them in a one of the Lost Ground after learning there is a connection between the two
However they discover that it was a trap made by the members of TaN in order to capture Ovan. With Ovan gone and no sign of the Key of the Twilight, the Twilight Brigade disband and previous members such as B-set and Gord quit the game entirely. Soon after, Shino is killed within the game by a mysterious PKer named "Tri-Edge" that somehow put her in a coma in the real world which devastated Haseo. Haseo starts training to get strong enough to defeat Tri-Edge and save Shino from her real life coma. He becomes obsessed with power and becomes a Player Killer Killer (PKK) to find information on Tri-edge. When he completed a special event that promised a special reward, he gains a new power but corrupts also his mind and begins to kill PKers with more aggression giving him the title The Terror of Death.


is a series of single-player action role-playing games for the PlayStation 2, developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai. The three games are titled .hack//G.U. Vol. 1: Rebirth, .hack//G.U. Vol. 2: Reminisce, and .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption.

.hack//G.U. takes place in an alternate version of Earth in the year 2017. As depicted in the first .hack game series, the "2nd Network Crisis" was an incident that occurred seven years ago in which many computer systems across Japan malfunctioned. Through the efforts of those games' hero, Kite, the incident resulted in the birth of Aura, the ultimate artificial intelligence (AI), capable of making decisions for itself. Under the guidance of Aura, The World, the most popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game at the time, flourishes and the events of .hack//Legend of the Twilight occur during this four-year period.
In late 2014, Aura disappears, resulting in the slow decay of The World and the Internet as a whole. In response, the company that administrates The World, CC Corp, sets up "Project G.U." and tasks them with remedying the problem. They come up with the "Restore Aura (RA) Plan", in which they attempt to retrieve the fragments of Morganna—an AI that served as Aura's "mother"—and seal them into player characters (PCs) of The World. In theory, this would allow the Project G.U. programmers to manipulate the Morganna program to recreate Aura. Only certain "chosen" players could control these special "Epitaph PCs".
After locating candidates to operate the Epitaph PCs, the team proceeds to test the RA Plan despite concerns over "anti-existences" that might damage the Internet. The program fails catastrophically and destroys over 80% of the data for The World. Instead of trying to salvage the data, CC Corp develops The World R:2 and releases it to a new generation of players. However, this new game is less popular than its predecessor and becomes plagued by "player killers" (PKs), players who target other players for fun and sport. The Epitaph PCs which had been lost during the RA Plan disaster resurface in the new version, attached to certain players of interest.

Ill keep posting more about .Hack//, note that most of the info is ripped from the wiki, and most likely only the last post will contain words that are "mine" in a way.
hope you guys like the read, I mean, the ones that never played .Hack//

segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012


".Hack//" or rather dot-hack, lets see if I can make this short and at the same time....interesting to read?

.Hack (pronounced "dot-hack") is a Japanese multimedia franchise that encompasses two projects; Project .Hack and .Hack Conglomerate. Both projects were primarily created/developed by CyberConnect2, and published by Bandai. The series is mainly followed through the anime and video game installations, and has been adapted through manga, novels and other related media.

The series takes place mainly within The World, a fictional MMORPG published and maintained by the also fictional CyberConnect Corporation, known as the CC Corporation. Players interact with The World using virtual reality headsets called HMDs (Head-mounted display) and a gamepad. It is the creation of German programmer Harald Hoerwick, who creates the first version, "Fragment", to help create his virtual daughter, Aura.
The World consists of a cluster of servers distributed around the world. When players log in, they materialize in the Root Town of the server they last used. Each server in The World has its own unique Root Town. They are the starting and ending point of any gaming session. In order to properly log out of the game, the player must be in a Root Town. Each Root Town has a Chaos Gate, a large revolving ring used to transport players to areas or other servers. To transport to an Area, a series of three keywords must be entered. These keywords determine such parameters as difficulty, terrain, and weather, amongst other habitat. Most keyword combinations result in a field and a dungeon.
In the series' 'Real World', Pluto's Kiss, a virus, caused a simultaneous crash of all computers and network control systems on the Internet that did not run on the ALTIMIT OS, which subsequently became the dominant operating system worldwide. The Twilight Incident, also known as Pluto Again, and the Second Network Crisis is the series of disasters depicted in the .hack//Games. It involves the massive blackout and system shutdown at Yokohama, which results in multiple car accidents, fires throughout the city, various other system malfunctions in other parts of Japan, and various players of The World ending up comatose. It is caused by the glitching Morganna System, though it is eventually resolved with the full awakening of Aura. Kazushi Watarai is held responsible, despite being hospitalized for the majority of the incident.

.Hack// started with the anime series called .Hack//Sign...
.Hack//Sign (trademarked as .Hack//SIGN) is an anime television series directed by Kōichi Mashimo and produced by studio Bee Train and Bandai Visual, that makes up one of the four original storylines of the .hack franchise. Twenty six original episodes aired on TV and three additional bonus episodes (Intermezzo, Unison, and Gift) were released on DVD as original video animations (OVAs). The series features character design by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, known for his work on Evangelion, and screenplay by Kazunori Itō, who penned the screenplay for the first Ghost in the Shell movie. The score was composed by Yuki Kajiura, marking her second collaboration with Kōichi Mashimo.
.hack//Sign is influenced by psychological and sociological subjects such as anxiety, escapism, and interpersonal relationships. The series focuses on a Wavemaster (magic user) named Tsukasa, a player character of a virtual-reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) called The World. Tsukasa wakes up to find himself in a dungeon in The World, but he suffers from short-term memory loss as he wonders where he is and how he got there. The situation gets worse when he discovers he is unable to log out and is trapped in the game. From then on, along with other players Tsukasa embarks on a quest to figure out the truth behind his abnormal situation.
The show premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 4, 2002 and September 25, 2002. It was broadcast across East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Latin America by the anime television network, Animax; and across the United States, Nigeria, Canada, and United Kingdom by Cartoon Network, YTV, and AnimeCentral (English and Japanese) respectively. It is distributed across North America by Bandai Entertainment.
The storyline moves at a leisurely pace, and has multiple layers — the viewer is often fed false information and red herrings, potentially leading to confusion until the true nature of events is unveiled towards the end of the series. It relies on character development and has few action scenes; most of the time character interaction is presented in the form of dialogue. English language reception to .hack//Sign has been generally positive, but some of these sources have negatively criticised the series as a result of its slow pacing and character-driven storyline.

.Hack//Sign had the follow up of a game, that was divided in 4 volumes, .Hack//Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine.

At the beginning of .hack//Infection, Kite's friend Orca invites him to play The World. In the first dungeon they visit, they encounter a girl in white being chased by a monster with a red wand. The girl attempts to entrust an item to Orca but the monster attacks him and The World's servers crash. Kite discovers that Orca has fallen into a coma following the attack and resolves to discover why. Meeting BlackRose at the Chaos Gate, they go to a cathedral area where they are attacked by a powerful monster. The legendary player Balmung appears and defeats it but it revives as a Data Bug. The Book of Twilight, the item that the girl gave to Orca, activates and gives Kite the Twilight Bracelet. The Bracelet uses Data Drain on the monster, allowing Balmung to kill it. However, Balmung accuses Kite of causing the viral infection spreading through the game and leaves. Kite and BlackRose decide to team up to help the coma victims. After investigating a number of leads, Kite and BlackRose track down the monster that put Orca into a coma. They defeat the monster, Skeith, but it transforms into a larger enemy called Cubia which they escape from.
In .hack//Mutation, the two encounter Lios, a system administrator, who declares Kite's Bracelet to be an illegal power. He attempts to delete Kite's character data but fails because of a mysterious encryption. The hacker Helba intervenes and convinces Lios to observe for the time being. Lios directs them to an area where they find Innis, a monster with the same powers as Skeith. Upon defeating Innis, Kite receives an e-mail from the girl in white, who is actually an AI called Aura. They travel to an area to meet her but are confronted by Cubia, whom they repel with difficulty. Short on leads, they contact an information broker named Wiseman who is intrigued by Kite's Bracelet. He suggests that Skeith and Innis are based on the Cursed Wave, an antagonistic force featured in the Epitaph of Twilight, an epic poem that forms the basis of The World. He helps grant them access to Net Slum, a place known as paradise for hackers and wandering AIs. Upon arrival, they are attacked by Magus, another Cursed Wave monster. They manage to defeat it, but when they return to the Root Town, they discover that the extensive corruption has spread to The World's main servers and the real world.
Balmung finally decides to join Kite in .hack//Outbreak, after realizing that he cannot halt the infection on his own. BlackRose reveals to Kite that her brother fell into a coma under similar circumstances as Orca, which renews both their determination. Wiseman formulates a plan to combat the Cursed Wave, enlisting the help of Helba. Their teamwork destroys Fidchell but the aftermath causes networks to malfunction in the real world. Aura contacts Kite again, but their meeting is cut short by the reappearance of Cubia. Lios, observing Cubia's power, agrees to join Kite, Helba, and the others to combat the Cursed Wave. Operation Breakwater begins as the team pool their resources to defeat Gorre, with no repercussions in the real world.
Server instability aborts a planning meeting at the start of .hack//Quarantine. Helba replaces the server with a copy of Net Slum to bypass this problem. At the bottom of a dungeon, Kite encounters Mia, a member of his party with a feline avatar. However, Mia is revealed to be Macha, a member of the Cursed Wave, whom he defeats with reluctance. Cubia assaults Kite's team once again, even more powerful than before. They fend him off but are unsure if they will fare so well the next time, based on its rate of growth. Operation Orca, on the other hand, is a success as they destroy the next Wave, Tarvos. Kite seeks the advice of Harald Hoerwick, the creator of the game, who survives beyond death through his AI incarnations. Aura appears and advises that Cubia is the shadow of Kite's Bracelet. Cubia ambushes them and destroys the AI Harald. In their final battle, Kite recalls Aura's advice and has BlackRose destroy the Bracelet, causing Cubia to fade away. Lacking the Bracelet, the final Wave member, Corbenik, attacks the party in Net Slum Root Town. With the aid of the spirits of the coma victims, Kite succeeds in penetrating Corbenik's barrier. Aura sacrifices herself to end the battle, restoring the network to normal and reviving all the coma victims.

pew...most of the info was taken of the wiki...Ill post more tomorrow ^. ^'

Still Looking...

Still Looking for work, still surviving, try'ng to keep my self calm these days in order to not punch someone in the face out in the street out of nothing, I keep thinking on a way to advance with Project RX:1, a lot of questions keep entering on my e-mail asking how long will take for me to post anything(screenshots\videos) about it, sorry but for those that keep asking, just a little more, try'ng to find the best Engine to Start working on this, wille that try'ng to learn how to " C# and C++" properly so I don't have to look for a damm programmer that is hard to find these days(one that doesn't give you a bill at the end of the month that is.)

Mabinogi\"Brotherhood" wise, with my life a mess and without a stable connection to the interwebs I can't play Mabinogi like I used to play, and now that I left Essentia, some idiots are happy with it, others don't care, still I show up online when I can and afk on my usual spot at channel 5\6\7, nothing changed on that game anyways, just a few more skills, another Gen, some idiots pvp'ng at dunbarton Square, the usual Mabinogi life, still, I got admit that the NA version got way more people then the EU one, and its amazing how much wierdos you get talking with you or add'ng you randomly to your FL.
this Picture is related to Mabinogi, one of the most fun Boss Fights I had was with this guy here Nuadha Airgetlam, spoilers alert, this is the LAST BOSS of G12, for those that never played Mabinogi or did the Gens.
magisapphire DeviantArt the one that made this nice draw.
quick link for the image on DeviantArt web page of magisapphire

quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2012

25...god dammit, I'm turning old...

yeap, tittle say's everything....turned 25...= .=' getting old, project RX:1 is advancing slowly atm due the fact that I'm still looking for a job, MC projects are halted atm, same goes with most of my other projects, like someone I know would say, "no money, no fun!" and yea...Guild Wars 2 is about to release and I've heard nice things about it, I might give it a go once I have a decent job.

domingo, 3 de junho de 2012

360 turn?

Heh back to the webs I guess, not in a normal way, now just to post, about the mails I got due MC and the other little gamming projects, I'm sorry, but might take more time, and I mean it, MORE time then I expected, still, got good news and bad news, even with all the problems that pilled up on my life, things are starting to turn around now, I'm finally going into programming, aka, advancing with Project RX:1, this means, soon, very soon, Ill have something to show about this project, and isn't just "sample" images of the Models, but more to it then  some people expected.

About "Brotherhood", half if not ALL of the Core members of Brotherhood EU on Mabinogi Left Brotherhood NA, and created a guild named "Essentia", the base of the guild was to follow the same path of Brotherhood EU, still, things turned out that the guild isn't being lead by the same rule set, so, with this, I took my leaving of it.
This doesn't mean I quitted the "Brotherhood project" too, at this moment its on "Itaius", and will be this way until half of Project RX:1 is completed.

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Brotherhood....stays Brotherhood?

with all the stuff going around I had little time to post, seems that the last post haves lack of info....I took a bit of time to speak with Gen, current leader of Brotherhood on North America Mabinogi, and seems that they knew about us already, and they had info about Mabinogi Europe going down(Jay taken care of everything with me gotta say, Brotherhood North America haven't changed much like I was thinking)

What this means? some people gone with the rummor that Brotherhood was going to die, fall down into history of gaming, not quite yet, not even close to it, Brotherhood Europe and Brotherhood North America merged, and were stronger then ever now, Lok will keep working on our website and forum, as for the other members, they are getting around pretty well, tough that would be a bit of a clash due the region and way's that some members from North America are sometimes(don't take me wrong members of Brotherhood NA there bad people everywere, but as far I've seen, BH NA is being lead by a good leader and Sub, with Jay helping a lot on it), as for me? going to take vacations from leading that is, finally can rest a bit and enjoy my time with my girlfriend heh ^. ^'...

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012

Mabinogi Europe....dead?

Mabinogi Europe will shutdown soon, as far everyone knows were going to be transfered to the North America version with a compensation for the problems that assaulted the Europe version and, the fact that were going to lose characters and everything we worked for all this two years.

About Brotherhood that was settled on Europe, everyone knows that there is one on Mari server on North America, not going into much details here, but were not part of it, nor were associated with it.

Were going to change the name of our guild tough, to avoid confusion, its time to change, to envolve, to move foward, its a bit painfull to me to, change the name that Eriul left me as a Legacy, but we can't do much about it.

Brotherhood even after the name change will remain strong to the rules they had before, a close group of friends working to be strong to the point of being able to help others.

"We'll stand our ground even if hell breaks lose on Erinn."

Mabinogi Europe comunity seems to be all moving to either Mari server or Alexina server on North America.

Stay tunned to our website, soon well do the final updates and re-open it, link;

Brotherhood Europe website Soon to change name

quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012

Brotherhood Moving on

tittle says much, wille a lot of people thinks that Brotherhood is dead, they are totally mistaken, but only time will show that, BH didn't die on UO times, and those were bad times for the guild, its not going to die now for sure.

Currently our webmaster(Lok) after a long vacation due r-l problems and stuff, returns and its getting the website back into shape, yea, our website is going up soon, so, its another platform to inform about BH in a deep way and general way.

About Project RX:1 just gotta say, with time, with time.

ho, I might not come to play for real D3, since from what I tested during the beta..its...mehhh....D3 could be more....BUT


segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012

currently working on...

tittle says much, atm working on some stuff slowly, but working on it, almost got something to show about project rx:1, and wont take long to actually post about it, working on a mini story too, might post about it later on.

more e-mails about the list of animes I'm currently watching and the ones I watched already came to my mail the other day, sorry, haven't got time to finish the list yet, but Ill try to do it this week.

right, about the promised videos of MC and other games might pop up later this week too.

this music fits my mood of today.

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

Not yet...not yet....

Hmm unexpected....not, I decided to hold my ground on Mabinogi, doesn't matter much, but the ones that are with me are enough, "Only those that actually care will stay with you, on the good moments, and bad ones." someone told me this once, and I have to admit, she was damm right about it.

Not quitting, going to see if I can find a freaking job in this god forsaken place, and sonner the better, about the requests of MC vids some people sent, I'm sorry but for now, I wont upload videos of any games, but I promise to those that asked that once I have time and patience, Ill start posting.

Another thing is that I'm currently talking with a few people about Project RX:1 with the current...well lets say "turn down" of some people, I had to make my mind about stuff, and that helps a bit on it, Project RX:1 will aparently keep the roots.

Ho, right some suprizes might be posted later about a certain matter... Ill see what I can do this month.

current listening most;

domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012


yea...the tittle says everything, been sick these days, doesn't help me to look for a job but yea...

These days have been hell, I can see more and more that PT doesn't have much of a future and I'm each day that passes to accept some offfers some people did to me, one of them was actually Ru that made...

with not will to of the grave news I have to give is that I might...quit completly Mabinogi...and overall, the leadership of Brotherhood...was a nice trip, but atm I can't keep it up....

I haven't decided 100% yet...and I still have to talk with Vlad and the others...good friends there....I have to say that the last days of BH were good even with the problems were facing....Genis, even with is stupid actitude sometimes was and is my best student...Mega, even calling him a meatshield he improved x10 times of I what expecting...Zervantes, now this kid is something, I know I shoudn't brag about him, may do the reverse of what I wanted to do about this kid...but this kid...he haves potential...I never said to Vlad or Genis the times they asked me because, overall, those two were vouching for him...but this kid...if he wants. he can become something on Mabinogi...something that Neither I or Vlad or Genis will be able to become....
Should thank Sargas...and Zooey, she's is an epic friend.

terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

Time Killer

With "Project RX:1" going slowly, and with nothing to show, I'm killing time with something else, since Mabinogi is dead for now, not going to keep pay'ng\playing for a game that can't stand for more then a week with the servers online.(note aint fault of the servers, more of the hackers that are freely roaming the servers)

Skyrim, yes killing my time with Skyrim and having fun killing dragons, not a game to play 24\7 but something that sure will take the time of the average RPG player.

Now a Game that some players are having a hard time to play, and those that actually become good at it, love it.
Dark Souls, following the game that was released in Japan on February 5, 2009 and published by SCE(Demon's Souls)
A game that makes you think before you move too, much like the first one(Demon's Souls) your placed in something that you could call Hell, and your mission? survive each one of the "levels".
Check this video, explains a bit what you'll see during the first times you play the game.
Now, a Online time killer, since Aion got me bored to death, even with the change that vlad made to the "bad guys" of the game, I'm still not conviced about the game, Aion its a fine game, but to much World of Warcraft made me lose the will to play games that in the overall look like WoW.
I started to play Ragnarok Online again, since RO2 aint released yet, killing a bit of time with RO 1 aint all bad, we don't have to spend money, and thats the best part on all of it.

Nice to be back to the old roots heh.

Another game that I got my eye into these days and I haven't got a chance to play it since as far I knew it was getting ready for closed beta, was Lime Odyssey, game seems nice, but since I coudn't get in-game, can't be sure of it.

Well thats all ab...ho wait no, got this too
A lot of people know already that I'm a minecraft player, and I found this neat server, was able to drag Vlad and the others, been off like I said before (r.l problems) and can't get online on games like I used to do, still, doesn't mean I don't play, the server got a lot of anti grief protection so, anyone that likes to play minecraft with others, on a stable server with some common sence rules, thats the place.

sexta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2012

Project RX: 1

Project RX: 1 is a MO project with 10 to 12 years of planning, I decided to post about this to see if I can get a team together, currently what were planning is to find a decent engine to base the MO on, we got the eye on some engines and currently were still deciding what kind of Engine to use.

Gameplay planning -

At this moment the Movement and combat gameplay we got planned could be explained in a lot of ways, but making it simple, full First Person with a Dinamic movement system and combat system, each button of your mouse is one of the hands, you'll have a key on the keyboard to activate buttons\levers\etc
Movement in general will be done with WASD keys(can be changed of course) same with each of the other keys to activation.
"Leveling" wont be present, since there wont be ANY levels.
How characters will become stronger? via skills, there will be 3 type of skills trees, "Combat Skills", "Magic Skills", "General Skills", Combat tab and Magic Tab self explains, but the General tab will have the "life skills", such as Blacksmithing, or Tailoring, as many others.
Skills will work with ranks, the more you use a skill the better you become with it, this means the more you use a One Handed Sword the better you fight with One Handed Swords, and so on.

The world it self will be rich and full of life, and Lore(were planning too), quest wise we will try to fill it with interesting stories in each one of them.

Item wise, Items wont determine if your powerfull or not, this is something that I've been thinking for a long time, theres a lot of games that the power of your character is based on the gear you use, on the case of "project RX: 1" were trying to make that gear wont matter that much, Heavy Armor will be more protective then Light Armor and Cloth , Light Armor will be more protective then Cloth, of course, this aint all on this, since most of the Armors\Cloth will be crafted by players, those same players with a certain Rank on the specified skill will have the change to upgrade their Heavy\Light Armors, or even Clothes.

Most if this is only being planned for now, since we lack a decent team to pull it out.

quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2012

Back to the old....360º turn on life.

Hmm I have to talk with Ru about this, and if she reads this before I talk with her(I may forget =. =' usual of me) sorry love, but the other template was a bit..."iffy"....just realized when I started to work with it...

Anyways back to the matter at hand, seems the days of not worrying ended....problems on r.l were able to k.o me for good this time, and sadly, being active like I was planning wont be possible like I was thinking....

Project RX:1 is halted until further notice, other projects like the MC channel I was planning with the guys, from my side is halted too...
About further projects on the webs, BH is still up and kick'ng wille I can still support it, and this, if Nexon Europe finally gets the staff they much need to work around the problems they are facing now.
Music that shows a bit my fellings.....the hate I have atm for some people...yes HATE....first time in many years I'm in eager to "do something wrong."

some stuff didn't changed tough, Ru is still my pillar, if it wasn't for her, I don't know what I've been done by now, thank you babe.