domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012


yea...the tittle says everything, been sick these days, doesn't help me to look for a job but yea...

These days have been hell, I can see more and more that PT doesn't have much of a future and I'm each day that passes to accept some offfers some people did to me, one of them was actually Ru that made...

with not will to of the grave news I have to give is that I might...quit completly Mabinogi...and overall, the leadership of Brotherhood...was a nice trip, but atm I can't keep it up....

I haven't decided 100% yet...and I still have to talk with Vlad and the others...good friends there....I have to say that the last days of BH were good even with the problems were facing....Genis, even with is stupid actitude sometimes was and is my best student...Mega, even calling him a meatshield he improved x10 times of I what expecting...Zervantes, now this kid is something, I know I shoudn't brag about him, may do the reverse of what I wanted to do about this kid...but this kid...he haves potential...I never said to Vlad or Genis the times they asked me because, overall, those two were vouching for him...but this kid...if he wants. he can become something on Mabinogi...something that Neither I or Vlad or Genis will be able to become....
Should thank Sargas...and Zooey, she's is an epic friend.

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