segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012


"I find no fault with you when it comes to standing agaisn't me with Courage.
However, very few have the courage to sheathe their sword once it's out, Fear is not evil...
It tells you what your weakness is.
And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as Kinder."

mhm this been on my mind for a time....I can say that I didn't follow that for a time, and I've acted out of what I was for a lot of time, or, out of who I real was....time heals everything and teachs us when we make mistakes, I did my fair of mistakes this year...

I finally got a "new job" and if everything goes well, in one month or two, Ill be back to my normal life, not only but to my routine, with some changes ofc, but Ill be back to the "Online World", I wont be 24\7 online, not like before, but Ill pop up more and then and ofc, Ill update this Blog with more news about my life & projects that I got pending.

Hope someone still reads this Blog heh ^_ ^'

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