domingo, 29 de março de 2015

AutoDesk 3ds max, Unity!(and windows 8.1?)

Ok, working on "cleaning" my Desktop, currently using windows 7, not a bad OS mind you but you know
yea, Windows 7 is a bit of a "derpy" system at times, from what I read on the internet, Windows 8(8.1) improved a lot since release, so going to give it a go.(I got it for free so...why not?) my current system can take it, on top of that I've got my hands with this Course on AutoDesk 3ds max, with it, a more powerful tool compared to Blender, I'll be able to show off something really good soon.

Moving on, Unity! YES! we got it, we in a matter of speech, thing is, I'm not going to work with it by my self, I will try to give a hand to Marta(Astoram) the most I can, and if things go well enough we will by the end of this year have something worth showing off.

well that's about it for now, will soon start posting pictures of my work(with watermark ofc) so people can check out what were up too.

terça-feira, 10 de março de 2015

Moving on with life

Took some time but I finally got good news, two weeks ago I applied to a game design course and it seems that I got accepted, still need to confirm how and when it will start but overall and this is regarding the game project Im working on, I will have more time from now on to work on it.
Further information about it will be posted on this blog aswell the link of my twitch channel of streams with me working with Astoram on the project.
(I still play some games from time to time so the stream might me be playing some of those said games too)

sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015

Back to London

Well PT was fine and dandy but wasnt for me, back to London.

domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Mabinogi!! wait...I mean Mabinogi North America!

Tittle Says everything, back on the day, Mabinogi was just, Mabinogi, after the collapse of the European servers, Nexon Europe kicked us to North America Mabinogi(Ence Ill start refering to Mabinogi Europe as Mabinogi EU and Mabinogi North America as Mabinogi NA, this is a way to people know from what server I'm speaking and so people understand that I played on all of the servers for more then one month. Ill refer to "Mabinogi" when I'm speaking the game in a general way, since there's more then the EU/NA/JP/KR/CH/TW servers.)

Ok, some people been asking me lately what I find special about "Mabinogi" in general, not speaking about servers here.

Simply putted, the skill system, I love how the skill system works on this game, could have some changes, true, could be better, but heck there's no way to imply that to Nexon in any way since they couldn't care a bit of what a single player would want.
Another factor that I love on "Mabinogi" is the story, yep even if they did fucked up a bit in my opinion with the whole driven out of the main story with G4 to G17...

Now, about the questions from some people about what the game is, since there's more and more people interested in the game but unaware of what the game is in reality and thus, they avoid it because of the graphics.

"Mabinogi" or "Mabinogi Fantasy Life" like the tittle implies, is taken from a medieval anthology of Welsh legend, The Mabinogion, or the Four Branches of Mabinogi. The tales are based on international legends, pre-Christian British Celtic myth, and medieval historical traditions, mostly using names of zones or people from those.

"Mabinogi" is a game were your free to do what you want when you want, you can simply be a farmer or a Blacksmith or even a Merchant, odd you say? not quite.

"But I want to fight Goblins and Ogres and and DRAGONS!"
Well, there's that too! but I don't advice anyone to fight a Dragon head on, you'll end up dead in the first hit.

I made a reference already about the skill system, and how simple and deep it can be, the skill system in Mabinogi is indeed grand but needs a bit explaining, so I shall explain it the best way I can.

But before going into the skill system lets explain a bit of the basics, like on all mmorpgs you need to level in order to get strong, by that you can complete quests, be normal ones, dungeon quests, event quest(that award XP) or, even story quests(that are called Generation quests)
By leveling you gain AP, or Ability points, those are used to rank skills.(they have another use but that's to be covered later on)

Skills, now this is were it gets a bit complicated, some of you would prefer using a sword and shield, going all out fighting dragons and what not, on "Mabinogi", once you get strong you can do just that, since your reading this and your already in-game and starting or, you probably want to start, Ill start with the basic of the skill system, Skill system is separated in Seven tabs for now(not counting with the special tabs you'll unlock because of the Generation quests/story of "Mabinogi" and skills you can gain from those)

Combat; Like the tittle implies this tab is the one with all the Combat skills, they have a red background.
Magic; Magic skills will be listed here, there's quite a list of Magic skills and takes a bit of time to get all of them, they have a Blue background.
Life; Life skills will be listed here, most of the life skills are related to crafting and production of materials to crafting, these skills will have a Yellow Background.
Alchemy; Alchemy skills, many of these skills require a Cylinder to be used, or some of them Alchemy Oven's and whatnot, these will have a mix of a red and orange background to it.
Figther; Figther skills will be listed here, this is a melee skill set, instead of sword and shields you use Knuckles to fight your foes, the color of the background of this skill set is gray.
Music; Music skills will be listed here, keep in mind you can make music in "Mabinogi", Bard skills will be listed here with Pink Background.
Puppetry; Puppetry skills will be listed here, as the name implies this skill set is related to Puppet using, will have a Teal Background color.

note that skills require AP to be ranked all skills go from Rank Novice to Rank 1, depending of the rank and the skill each skill may require more or less AP then another to be ranked.

Now, some people would instantly throw the question "wait, then that means once I reach lvl 60+ will be difficult to level and gain AP?"
The answer to that is yes and no, you can Rebirth, by using the Rebirth System you can reset your current level and again raise your levels and gain more AP.

The Rebirth System, simply putted resets your current level back to 1 and allows you to re-level again.
"Wait! Ill lose my levels and skills?"
No, you'll reset your current level only, you wont lose skills ranks.
By using Rebirth you'll reset your current level, but you'll keep a track of all the levels you gained, that's called Total Level, there's Achievements for that too, but well cover those later on.
You age on "Mabinogi", each week that passes you gain one Age point, note that, you can start at 10 years old or at 17 years old, appearance may change a bit on your char since when your 10 years old your quite small, yet, you can gain some stats bonus with that by aging each week that passes.
When you reach Age 20, you'll be able to Rebirth for free.

More about "Mabinogi" later on. and probably some videos and whatnot.


Was thinking on the other day... "Why did I move from Blogger...?" anyways, after a time thinking I decided to re-use this Blog space, instead of real life stuff, Ill use it for gaming purposes only, and for the ones that from time to time come and read my rants/posts from the past, Ill leave them untouched like I promised on my supposed last post heh.

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012


Yea, a lot of people will think that I'm moving again(home) not yet hehehe, but, that probably will be before the end of this year(if everything goes well enough) anyways, back to the point, I decided to move my blog to another blog hoster, Blogspot or Blogger was nice but heck it, its time to move on, top of that, I need a blog that fits some needs and I found one that is very interesting in a lot of aspects, so I'm moving!

Now now, don't go "Omg!!" Ill leave this blog open and untouched, and for the ones that were like "Finaly! we got rid of him!" not yet, nor I plan to "be gone!" of the internet so, live with it.

ho right, the link of the new blog is Selzyr New Blog

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012


"I find no fault with you when it comes to standing agaisn't me with Courage.
However, very few have the courage to sheathe their sword once it's out, Fear is not evil...
It tells you what your weakness is.
And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as Kinder."

mhm this been on my mind for a time....I can say that I didn't follow that for a time, and I've acted out of what I was for a lot of time, or, out of who I real was....time heals everything and teachs us when we make mistakes, I did my fair of mistakes this year...

I finally got a "new job" and if everything goes well, in one month or two, Ill be back to my normal life, not only but to my routine, with some changes ofc, but Ill be back to the "Online World", I wont be 24\7 online, not like before, but Ill pop up more and then and ofc, Ill update this Blog with more news about my life & projects that I got pending.

Hope someone still reads this Blog heh ^_ ^'